Car dealers that except bad credit

Car dealers that except bad credit

Car dealers that accept bad credit clients in South Africa – Contrary to pretty much everything you have ever heard about vehicle finance and bad credit; you can secure a finance deal allowing you to purchase your own car. With our years of experience in the finance industry we have built up a dealer network through out South African that help clients with bad credit get vehicle finance. No matter were you are or what car you want we will find, finance and deliver even if you have a bad credit history.

Do you have Bad Credit? – there’s hope and here’s how!

Due to everything that’s happened the last few years in South Africa, Covid, load shedding to name a few, many South Africans struggled to pay their debts. This resulting in many people being listed negatively on the credit bureau’s. Even missing one payment or paying an account late can have a negative effect on your credit score. But this is were we come in. We know the industry and know how to motivate applications or get around certain negatives on your credit report. Best of all we don’t charge any fees we only get commission if your deal is successful, this its important for us to help you.

Will I pay a higher interest rate because I’m blacklisted?

This depends and differs from client to client as there are many factors that come in to play when interest rates are calculated. That said we will always try find you the best finance deal possible and we can renegotiate your interest rate in 8 months if you pay all your accounts on time so your credit score can improve. 

How to apply for vehicle even though you have a bad credit history?

Car dealers that accept bad credit clients in South Africa – Simply complete our online application form. We will do a quick assessment and email you back with the documents required to proceed with your vehicle finance application.

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