Pay day loan for bad credit clients can help you access emergency cash quick. Need money to cover rent, fix your vehicle or any other emergency that may have caught you of guard during the month. Perhaps you have a low credit score no problem we can still help you get a pay day loan. We offer a quick and easy online solution to apply for a pay day loan today. Our service is free and we help clients throughout South Africa.
What is a Pay Day Loan for Bad Credit clients?
Pay Day Loans for Blacklisted is a short term loan (30 days maximum) were a borrower can get access to cash immediately for emergencies. Our pay day loans for blacklisted range from R 500 – R 8000 and monies can be available in your account within in 24 hrs. At Blacklisted Personal Loan we assist clients with a poor credit record to get access to payday loans for blacklisted as we know that it can be difficult to get access to emergency cash when you have been listed on the ITC.
Why can we help with Pay Day Loan for Bad Credit?
Reason why we can help you with a pay day loan when your credit record is poor is that the requirements is not as strict as when you apply for a long term loan. We suggest that you use a pay day loan only for emergencies as they can be costly if taken every month.
Qualifying criteria for a blacklisted pay day loan:
- Have a minimum income of R 3000
- Employed
- Have a bank account in your own name
- You are 18 years or older
- South African Citizen.
How to apply?
Complete our online application form click here
You will immediately receive an email reply with the outcome of your pay day loan application and procedure to finalize the loan application for pay out.
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